Welcome and Supply List
Welcome to the Harper Holdall class!
Get ready to make a new best friend: Harper is the perfect zip top tote to hold all you need whether it’s a craft, a day on the go, a quick getaway and more.
Harper has a few pieces that are easy to prep and go together like a dream. You'll be done before you know it.
Class & Pattern: The class content coordinates with the Harper Holdall pattern, so you can follow along and refer back and forth as you make this gem of a bag. Print the pattern and use it to make notes and to reference as you watch the videos.
Supplies are listed below.
Comments, Questions, & Pics: Be sure to post comments inside each lesson and share pics of your beautiful makes.
Project Galleries: Post a pic and tell us a little about your gorgeous Harper Holdall. And if you made modifications, post a pic and tell us what you did.
I'm so glad you joined me for this fun project.
Joan Hawley, Instructor
Supplies to make one Harper Holdall
Fabrics (40-42” wide, 100% cotton quilting weight)
5/8 yd Feature for outside of bag
5/8 yd Lining
3/4 yd Handles, Inside Pocket, Zipper Pull Ties, Bag Base
1 1/2 yd x 20” Stiff Stuff Firm sew-in interfacing by Lazy Girl Designs.
2 1/2 yd x 22” wide Face-It Soft Lightweight Woven 100% Cotton Fusible Interfacing by Lazy Girl Designs, or 3 yds x 20” wide.
One 30” Double-Pull Purse Zipper size 4.5mm, polyester, YKK brand.
Shop for zippers at Zipit (affiliate link)
Other Supplies
Size 80/12 or 90/14 Universal or Microtex machine needle, SCHMETZ brand recommended.
Erasable marking tool recommended.
Sewing Clips, Desk Tape, and Seam Sealant such as Fray Check.